Brand Interview – Joe Rozsa, Trailer Trash Design

Brand Interview – Joe Rozsa, Trailer Trash Design

Joe Rozsa - Trailer Trash Design

How long has your company been in business?
I’ve been in business now for 5 years.

Do you donate to charities?
No. At this time I don’t donate to charities.

Trailer Trash Design Logo

How did you know what typeface (font) would be right for your company wordmark or logo? If your logo has an illustration, describe why that art was the right thing, animal, place, object, etc…
I chose Boton for my font. I liked it because even in the thinnest face, it was still substantial. For my logo though, I use bold, medium and regular. My logo does have an illustration. I started out with a photo, but I revised it recently so that I could better use the logo in all my branding efforts. It’s right because it’s an illustration of an actual Airstream trailer, which is what my whole company is really based off of.

How did you decide on the right color palette to fit your company look and feel?
I chose to keep my colors to a minimum. Mostly black and gray with an occasional punch of orange for impact. Since the Airstream trailers are such a statement with their shiny exteriors I though black and light gray would give me that contrast.

Trailer Trash Design - homepage

How did you decide which type of designer to work with, or did you design your own identity and web presence?
I designed my own brand and everything that goes along with it, that is after all what I do. My business, Trailer Trash Design, is a design studio.

Trailer Trash Design - Interior web page

In what order did you present your company to the world? Did you start with marketing and products, or website, blog and social media?
I started my company with the human element first. Me. I marketed myself through a series of freelance jobs at first, then was thrown into it when the creative department I was creative director for, shut down, that’s when the economy tanked.

How long after the launch of your company did you start pitching in social media?
Once I was in it full time for myself, I started with social media almost immediately using Twitter and Linkedin.

Did you do research or study any software, take webinars, teleclasses, before approaching any area of your marketing or web presence?
Didn’t really do much research to start out, but I do now to make sure that I stay at least even with the curve. I don’t know that I’ll ever be ahead of the curve with things changing so quickly.

Arkovi Logo and Web Site Design

Do you advertise locally in newspapers and/or nationally in magazines or online using Google, or Facebook ? Are they effective?
No. I don’t advertise at all. I don’t advertise on those web channels either.

When you printed your products, packaging, business cards and other print marketing did you choose an online printer or visit a local vendor?
I always stay with local vendors when ever possible for not only what I need printed but my clients as well. Like me, they depend on local business to stay in business. Even though I have clients in other cities and states, my local clients are really my bread and butter.

Did you know anything about different types of papers, when you wanted to print your marketing materials?
Yes, coming from the print industry, I’m well versed on paper stocks and printing and finishing techniques.

Have you ever used “green” technology in printing, using FSC certified papers or recycled paper and if not, how likely are you at trying this on a next project?
There have been projects I’ve done for clients that I’ve used FSC certified products and facilities for. I don’t do a whole lot of printing for myself, although I do try to go green when ever I can. I will be launching a green initiative for Trailer Trash Design in 2012. Specifics are a little sketchy right now, but I’ll iron it all out soon.

TouchTree logo design

If you sell products, are they produced in the USA or abroad?
No I don’t sell products… just myself. Ha!

Is there anything you haven’t yet tackled, but will want to do soon?
Not sure about this last question. I take on practically everything that comes my way and worry about it later.

I was recently awarded a Gold Hermes Award for Creativity as well as a Gold MarCom Award for Creativity.

Twitter: @trailertrashus
Facebook: Trailer Trash Design
Linkedin: Joe Rozsa

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