101 Wallace School Frogs – A Frogs Are Green Coloring Book
Get your copy now! “Rainforest Frogs!”
WordPress Social on Udemy!
New video course on Udemy that teaches you the best social media strategies for interaction and engagement with your WordPress website! (Of course these lessons can be applied to most websites, not just WordPress.) 10 sections and 24 videos! Social websites covered are YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Hootsuite, Pinterest, Amazon and more!
Susan’s “Brand Visibility” Course on Udemy
is perfect for creative entrepreneurs, start-ups and small business owners that are having trouble reaching their desired target audience!
New teaching curriculum K-3 in paperback and Kindle format!
Generating Sales and Tracking Social Media Itself
Each client that comes along has a particular goal. Although you may think “sales” is the goal, not every business needs to work at that. If they have the right…
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