Mobile-Friendly Websites – Dump The Flash or Create a Mobile Optimized Site
This time of year brands with decent advertising budgets start broadcasting their coolest, newest products on TV, radio and internet. As I was watching tv the other night, a commercial came on for HP showing how you can share photos straight from your phone to your printer via ePrint technology.
I’ve had an iTouch for 2 years now and recently got a Blackberry Curve to supplement what the iTouch didn’t have. I really like the iTouch better because of the larger screen and keyboard. Seeing that HP commercial and knowing all the capabilities I have with these mobile devices, I began to realize we can do almost anything with these gadgets.
Which leads me to how everyone going mobile is going to effect your website if it hasn’t been built to be mobile-friendly. Any website that currently has Flash animation sitting on the pages or if the whole site was built using Flash, you’ve got to realize no one on a mobile device can see the parts that are Flash. The Flash has to go or you need to build an additional mobile website version.
Now you may be thinking, my site isn’t Flash, it’s html/css and it can be seen on smartphones like the iPhone or Google Android, but these links from Mashable will help you realize there are ways you can install plugins in WordPress or use other services that will help mobile users see the important content and links and give you the ability to modify how mobile devices see your site.
From Mashable – “A Guide to Mobile Web Design Tips and Tricks” and “Create a Mobile-Friendly Website for Your Business with moBistro.”
- Global Entrepreneurship Week – Jersey City Green Fair 2010
- Small Business Saturday 2010 – Right Here in Jersey City