Where’s My Gravatar and Why Isn’t It Following me? An Easy How To Tutorial

Ever wonder why when you go to comment on someone’s great blog post some comments have pictures next to them and others don’t?

gravatar pictures that accompany comments

Well, that’s a Gravatar (Globally Recognized Avatars) and it’s a great way to show your visibility on the web. Once set up, it’s tied to a particular email account, and then whenever you wish to leave a comment, from the New York Times to Mashable, your photo will be there. It will also be tied to your own blog if it’s the same email account that’s the administrator, so be careful that you use the right logo or photo with the right email. For example: I have one Gravatar for Branding YOU Better and a separate one for Frogs Are Green.

It’s so simple to register, just follow this easy video screencast tutorial and watch how your Gravatar follows you from site to site:


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