Lois Bender – Gardenspirits NY Branding and Web Design

Gardenspirits NY presents Lois Bender’s Art Gallery Portfolios showing her diverse Collections of “Floral Bouquets” Watercolors, Travel Sketchbook Studies, Waterlilies Large Watercolor series, Resonates Interior Wall decor, Printmaking and Mixed Media, all various celebrations of art and nature. Lois also shares the joy of seeing and capturing in teaching her Art Journey Workshops.

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Facebook Timeline Cover Graphics and Page Designs

Facebook Timeline pages and graphics give us new opportunities to be creative and use marketing effectively. Pictured here are two new cover and profile images for Prospector’s Run and Hudson County Coalition for a Drug Free Community. Notice how we are using the profile graphic as it interacts with the cover image. In addition we are creating new custom pages/apps and those new thumbnail images.

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