Having Multiple Websites Can Make the SEO Difference
Recently a friend asked me why I have so many websites and not just one.
Answer: When your website is more specific in subject matter and can build over time on just that topic, with many posts, images, and of course lots of SEO long-tail keyword phrases, it will draw more and steady traffic. Visitors will instantly know they are in the right place and move around. It also gives you the opportunity to cover more ground but not confuse things.
Here are some of my blogs/sites and their topics to show you how I have segmented the different areas that interest me.
1- Frogs Are Green: An awareness organization helping to save frogs from extinction. I’m the co-founder and we blog each week about climate change, amphibian issues, and other wildlife also effected or endangered. We also hold annual contests to get the public involved and sharing.
2- Broadcast Louder: Solely a webinar series to educate creatives, small business owners and entrepreneurs featuring expert guest speakers. The webinars are on a variety of topics but all to help business owners build their business in the right directions for maximum visibility.
3- Branding You Better (this blog): It’s all branding all the time, brand interviews, branding wars, branding portfolios, and of course posts about how to make your brand & business better!
4- i-Tees: An arts/green blog where I play. I load in galleries of openings and events I attend and occasionally blog about local happenings. (Not often enough!)
5- Visual Broadcasting: One-on-one brand, social media, web presence and marketing sessions for small business owners and entrepreneurs.
6- Susan Newman Design: My main extensive portfolio website that showcases all the different areas of work, from books to brochures, email campaigns to web design and so much more.
Using Google Analytics to track each of these sites, I can drill down into pages and see what visitors are interested in. I can also see which sites are sending the traffic. It’s much easier to track each of these when the topic is specific, plus the visitors can dig deeper for more on the same issues. It can be a fascinating discovery to know that a content specific blog can be successful and have a bounce rate of 1% along with visitors staying to read this and that, whereas a visual site might have a higher bounce rate and they spend less time on it. That’s because it’s quicker to look at pictures than read a post, but knowing which pictures or post is the key.
How does this effect businesses and ROI
If you are a blogger or selling products and services how will you know if you are successful without tracking what you are doing? When you have a niche website rather than throwing it all into the pot, the niche sites will help fine tune the industry or products and help your business be the answer to the query. For example: If you are looking for a specific type of chair, wouldn’t it make sense to visit a chair website, then a complete home store? The chair site will have much more variety and you’ll find what you were searching for right away.
- Brand Interview: Kim Beckers, Getting the Right Stuff Done!
- Brand Interview: France Garrido, Visionary Fine Artist