4 Cool Ways to Use WordPress – Part One: Broadcasting Your Media Content
I have been creating video tutorials on WordPress for eHow.com/Demand Media Studios and have a catalog of 50 tutorial videos now. I’m sorting the videos into smaller groups to make them more helpful for those looking for assistance on a particular topic. In this first of a four-part series, I’m going to highlight these three videos on broadcasting your media content.
How to Make a Blog Post Compilation
eHow Tech Video Series – Making a WordPress blog post compilation is something you might want to do to collect all posts on a specific topic. Turn your blog posts into the content for a book!
Video Transription: We’re at Mission 50 at Hoboken learning WordPress tips. Today we’re going to learn how to make a WordPress blog press compilation. We’re on a website that’s using WordPress as its content management system. And now we’re going to learn how to make a WordPress blog post compilation. So the first you want to do is go to your dashboard and go to the plugin section. And you’re going to install a plugin called Anthologize. An so once you install that and activate it under Anthologize your going to start a new project. So you’ll see here that I have three projects already underway. And the way it works is you create a new project. You name it what you want. If there’s a subtitle or you want to put your name in that’s fine. And then you save the project. Once you do that you can manage the parts by collecting all the blog posts that might be relevant and dropping and dragging them over to the right side here. So you can, you can move them around up and down, you know just drag and drop depending on in what order you want them. And then once you have then all ready you click export. It takes you to the export page where it puts the date in and name of the project. You can put in who the copyright holder is. You can put what creative comments or copyright that you might want. So I’d say you know, attribution, but there are other selections and then you put in whatever edition you want and you click on next. And then you can put in if you want a dedication or acknowledgments. And then you get to choose whether you want to export it as a PDF, rich text format, E publish, HTML, or Anthologize TEI. And then you click next and it just goes to your desktop. And that’s how you make a WordPress blog post compilation. I hope that tip was helpful. For more information visit Susan Newman Design. Thank you.
How to Post a Webinar to WordPress
You’ve been hosting a webinar series or you’ve been a guest on someone else’s series. It’s time to publish them on your own website.
Video Transription: We’re at Mission 50 in Hoboken learning WordPress, basic tips for success. Today, we’re going to learn how to learn how to post a webinar to WordPress. We’re on a site that’s using WordPress for its content management system. And now, we’re going to learn how to post a webinar to WordPress. So, the first thing that you have to do is you have to have an account where you’re creating your webinars. So, for example, I have an account within Instant Teleseminar and we’re going to go to that dashboard. And you’ll see once you’re logged in, you have all these different things and so, under my events, I went to a specific webinar that I’ve already recorded and then, I’m going to click on the iFrames to custom publish. And so, when I do that, it gives me the exact embed code that I want. So, if I just wanted audio, I would select this one, but I always want the video because we use slides. So, I’m going to copy this address and then, if I go to my site and I start a new post and I’m going to change to the html mode, as oppose to visual because I’m putting code in, and I would just put the code in just like that. And so, you can put your copy in and you put in this iFrame code and then you publish. And when you publish your page, and if we scroll down, you’ll see that the webinar is loaded right here and it will just play right here embedded right in the page. And that’s how you post a webinar to WordPress. I hope that tip was helpful. For more information, you can find me online at Susan Newman Design. Thank you.
How to Set Up a Podcasting WordPress Site
If you’ve started a new internet radio show, you’re going to want to publish those recordings as podcasts on your website. Watch how easy it is in this video tutorial.
Video Transcription: We’re at Mission 50 in Hoboken learning WordPress. In this video we’re going to learn how to set up a podcasting site in WordPress. We’re on a site that’s using WordPress for it’s content management system and now we’re going to learn how to set up a podcasting WordPress site. Now the first thing that you have to do in order to have a podcasting site is you have to have a place where you’re doing your podcasting. So for example I have a radio show podcasting series on talk show radio. This is a free podcast site. You can just sign in, create your own call series and just start recording. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to start by going to the dashboard of your WordPress site and I want you to go down to plugins, and we’re going to install a plug in that’s just for podcasting. And so I love this one called Seriously Simple Podcasting. So I want you to go to the plugin section and you’re going to click on add new and you’re going to install Seriously Simple Podcasting and then you’re going to activate it. And once you do, you’ll see now that there’s a podcast section here and you’re going to add a new page. So you’re going to put in a title, a little description if you want of what that podcast is about. You’re going to scroll down here and you’ll see you can put in a few keywords or a long tail keywords. And then here you’re going to put the URL address to that mp3 recording. Or you can, if you have that mp3 recording on your desktop you can just upload it. But so I just put the link in and they way I got that link was I just went to the call series and if you click on this download icon it pops a new page right here with the recording and you’ll see it gave me right here the URL address. So I copied that and I put it right in here and then I saved or previewed how the page looked, liked the way it looked and I published it. So if we go to look at it you’ll see right here, there it is. There’s the interview name, there’s the recording and there’s the description. And as I do more posts they would just flow down the page. And that’s how you set up a podcasting WordPress site. I hope that video was helpful. For more information visit me online at Susan Newman Design. Thank you.
- Brand Interview: Jeremiah Kleckner – The Writing Teacher
- 4 Cool Ways to Use WordPress – Part Two: Social Media Engagement and Interaction
2 thoughts on “4 Cool Ways to Use WordPress – Part One: Broadcasting Your Media Content”
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Great videos! They are truly helpful for us WordPress beginners. WordPress allows us many avenues to express ourselves and this is another way to do it.
Thanks, Lynne! I published yesterday the next post with 4 more! In the next 2 weeks I’ll have two more groupings.