Branding Wars: Why I love My Apple Computers and Hate My Dell
My first Apple IIc computer was way back in the early 90s, and had a 500 mb hard drive. It was shaped kind of clunky then and I had a 13″ monitor to go with it. Loaded was all the software, fonts and I had lots of imagery on disk too! As I gained experience over the years, upgraded the systems and programs, so too did Apple. I’ve had G4s, ibook, macmini, itouch, and the gadgets get better and cooler, as the Apple brand really sets itself apart from the rest.
Today I work on a desktop Apple, a macmini and have great wide screen monitors to showcase the Apple technology in all it’s glory.
About 18 months ago I decided to buy a Dell PC so I could load Microsoft Office and assorted other software for Skype, and Camtasia for creating video tutorials. It really was just to see my client’s website design and development through Firefox and Internet Explorer on the PC (as well as the Mac).
Here’s the basic issue.
After working on macs all these years, with it’s ease of functionality, the simplicity of being able to do work I need to without any confusion, the simple and direct way it opens, shares, and just does everything the logical way, why would I even need another type of system? Of course it’s because there are others who are on the PC.
Well, of course this is the whole point of competition and branding wars. Someone always thinks they can create something kind of like what you have.
The Dell I have is so slow, and it’s so confused. It pops things at me constantly, updates without asking me, and is just so disorganized. Half the time I cannot find something I just downloaded or saved.
It’s time for PC companies to realize that Apple just did it right and if they cannot do something similar, just give it a rest.
I needed to write again after the tragic loss of Steve Jobs this past week. I never met him but really felt like he knew just what I wanted and always seem to create the coolest gadgets and computers. When the Macbook Air came out, I thought, ahhh yes, nice and thin and light. When the iTouch came out, I thought that was the coolest of all the gadgets. In my pocket I had my portfolio, music, a book or two, a few videos, a movie, I could search the internet, get email, and more… it was the greatest “travel accessory” ever!
I’m so looking forward to chucking my Blackberry and getting an iPhone and can’t wait to video phone my family and friends, just like I use Skype now on my computers.
He was such an iconic genius and I feel like I’ve lost a friend who has stood by me for the last 20 years. The Apple products have been a part of my life that long and I don’t know what he would have come up with next, but I know I would have wanted it.
He changed our lives and the way we communicate forever. My sincerest Thank You for all that you did and for caring.
It’s official, the Dell Inspiron laptop has died as of February 6, 2012. The system has failed on a not yet 2 year old laptop. Pretty sad considering my Apple computers are still running smoothly year after year. So what to do now? Try to repair it and spend even more money on it? Buy a used one from a friend, because I sure would spend the money for a new one. Ideas?
Updates on idiotic Dell Inspiron since last posting:
I had to spend more $ and a brand new hard drive had to be installed, the old one fried up, nothing could be retrieved… along with anti virus software and spyware.
Everything seemed all right until Friday, March 9th, when I have a meeting scheduled with a new potential client, turn on my Dell and it won’t start. Says it cannot find the Windows operating system and I now need to call them on the phone for ID verification. Just unbelievable. Went back to repair and he helped me get it back running.
Today! It’s Thursday, March 15th, and now Skype and Super Tin Tin have stopped working. After downloading Skype again, and twice, it’s sometimes working, sometimes quitting. Super Tin Tin won’t work at all. It’s back to the repair shop again today!
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9 thoughts on “Branding Wars: Why I love My Apple Computers and Hate My Dell”
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And I don’t have a Mac because they are so expensive so I wound up with Dells. But if I can my next one wll be a Mac
Bravo Cindy! I guarantee, once you work with a Mac.. you will forever use them… – thanks so much for commenting! Susan
My first PC cost me a chunk of $$$ in the very late 90s from Dell (more than a K, as I recall), but it was a DELL and lasted me for slightly more than 10 years before it started to die on me, system by system. So, I thought I’d give DELL another chance 2 years ago, in spite of people advising me against it; so, I spent my scrimpings and savings on a new DELL (an Inspiron) and it barely lasted me a full year before the hard Drive gave out without warning, causing me to loose tons of data! Even after getting the HD replaced, that HD only lasted me two months before is began to die as well… I have no idea why, seeing as how I have some bad-ass anti-virus software on board. :o( So, as soon as I can (after archiving as much data as I can) I am buying a Mac Mini (all I can afford). Now, personally, because I am a writer, I’d much prefer buy a MacBook pro so that I can take it outside on beautiful days to type….but they are so horribly expensive! So, perhaps I’ll end up buying a PC laptop JUST for that, because it’s cost efficient…
Dear Wade,
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I will say that the Dell Inspiron is the one I have and after hearing about your issues, I now know why I hate it. I better copy over any docs before it dies also.
I have a macmini and absolutely love it… I’m writing you from it right now. I bought it in 2006 and it’s still running smoothly.
Please let me know which you get and how you like it.
First off, in the interests of full disclosure, let me say that I have no love for Dell, being one of the people that was unceremoniously dumped a few years ago when they closed their dedicated retail division. Having said that, I wanted to take the time to say great post. I know that everyone does not think this way, but I think that there are many people out there that would prefer The Apple platform over PC.
But you touched on what I consider the two big barriers to entry . . . cost and compatibility. I recently purchased 3 new laptops (2 ASUS and a Toshiba), one for my web design business, and the other 2 for family members so they would stay off mine – LOL! I strongly considered buying a MacBook Pro for at least myself, but in the end couldn’t justify the additional cost of not only the machine, but the Apple versions of the software I would need as well. All included, the total difference in price would have exceeded $2000.00. Throw in the fact that I wouldn’t even be able to view websites in IE or Firefox as most of my clients see them on their PCs and I just couldn’t bring myself to make the switch.
I look forward to the day when these barriers come down, at least somewhat. I can accept the fact that the Apple platform is more expensive . . . I believe in the adage of you get what you pay for. But until a larger portion of the overall market makes the switch to Mac, and the 2 platforms converge a little more, I am afraid that Apple continues to face an uphill battle in their quest for more of the PC market pie (not including tablets, mp3 players, etc.).
Final note, I am writing this on my iPad . . . The absolute COOLEST gadget ever!!!
Thank you so much for your comments, I truly appreciate the time and your words…
My Dell has gotten worse over the past few months, just shutting itself (kind of) down, or maybe I should say instead of being asleep, it’s in a coma. I have to turn it off and start it up again… I never have this issue with the apple computers… Of course once in a blue moon it crashes, but it’s usually something I did.
I would also like to say that I feel that the technology and products are advancing at such a rapid rate it’s not always wise to buy the top of the line… I usually buy the models I can afford, and they are still amazing.
Hi, My Name is Lorna, and I work for Dell. I saw your post and wanted to follow-up to see if you still needed assistance. We LOVE helping our customers with any concerns they may be experiencing. You may contact us @DellCares via Twitter, or on facebook at:
Or, get the answers you need by chatting online with a Dell Technician for troubleshooting and issue resolution. Contact Dell’s Live Chat for Technical & Order Status Support. Chat provides support for hardware and software covered by your current warranty, 7 days a week from 8am – 12 midnight CST Monday-Friday & from 11am – 8pm on Weekends. For issues not covered by your warranty, please use our fee-based Solutions Station services (1-888-236-3355). Thanks! Lorna
Hello Lorna, Thank you for your comments. Unfortunately my 1.5 year old Dell completely burned out it’s hard drive. Nothing was retrievable and I had to pay and have a new hard drive installed. I also installed spyware and anti-virus that never needs updating. We will see how long this hard drive lasts. – Susan
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